Share Your Testimony: Why it's Important

If you're writing a blog that is dedicated to your faith but you rarely talk about your faith or have never shared your testimony, then it can create a feeling of disconnection from you and your audience, which is the last thing you want. Sometimes when outsiders look at people of faith they get the idea we're perfect or think that we are perfect. So, the best way to get that connection of trust with you and your readers is to share your testimony. Creates a connection -- By sharing your testimony you create a connection with others who share your path, or who are on that path now. It makes people feel connected to your life and feel like they can have what you have too.

Humanizes your life -- At times we appear strange to the outside world. It's good to face that we are not perfect and never will be. We strive to be perfect like Jesus, but we often fall short, but that's okay because He picks us up and we continue on.

Promotes trust -- When you share your testimony you'll create a trusting environment for others to share their story too. In addition you'll probably touch someone who has not made a decision yet about spiritual matters and your story might encourage them.

Gives hope -- Your testimony gives hope to everyone who reads it. Even if your testimony is not that exciting (to you) it will be encouraging and hopeful to someone who reads it.

Even those of you who have known God your entire lives have a story to tell, everyone has a testimony to share. Whether it was a lifelong journey, or a moment in time that tested our faith, you have a story that can be shared with many people to create that connection, promote trust, and give hope to others.  We are called to share our story by God, and today we are blessed with ways in which to do this that did not exist in the past. Today, you can stay home, and share from your computer on your blog. What could be better than that?

If you would like help writing your testimony check out our guide "How to Write Your Testimony", it's available for free in our members area. It will walk you step by step through the process of writing your testimony. If you'd like to access the members area simply fill out the form below and you will be emailed a password.

P.S.  If you have shared your testimony on your blog, please leave your link in the comments.  I would love to come read it.